
Purpose of Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) cleaning?

To prevent DPF from getting blocked or choked due to excessive build up of soot or ash. This happens when the vehicle does not run enough time for the exhaust to reach the required temperature for burn off. This will result in performance losses or engine fault codes. Hence, it is advised to regularly maintain and clean your DPF as it is the cheaper alternative as compared to replacing an entirely new DPF. 

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Product Information

TUNAP 931 - Particulate Filter Cleaner

Non-flammable, metal-free special cleaner for cleaning off soot and ash deposits in the particle filter. Evaporates without leaving residue. The unique wetting properties enable the cleaner to loosen and clean off soot and ash deposits from porous honeycomb structures as are present in the particle filter.

TUNAP 932 - Flushing Concentrate

Neutral, ash and metal-free solution for flushing after particle filter cleaning. Evaporates without leaving residue. Guarantees a cleaner particle filter that can be regenerated again.


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